Varna, Bulgaria, Europe...

Editorial |Author: Maxim Behar | June 20, 2014, Friday // 13:49|  views

Maxim Behar, photo by M3 Communications Group, Inc.

What happened and is still happening in Varna, I mean the floodwaters, can happen in any part of the world.

The exchange of cynical statements and mutual accusations, however, is something which does not happen in Europe, however proud we may be of the fact that we have been Europeans for centuries.

Although I agree that we have always been Europeans, the pre-election chaos, the political chaos, and the financial chaos, as of recently, have obviously thoroughly reconstituted the value systems of politicians.

I am using the plural of "system" because they are becoming increasingly different, including the value systems of voters and election candidates.

It is just that now is not the right time for these discussions and they will take hours.

This is why it is now imperative that we discard all distasteful epithets and descriptions and we never go back to them again and this applies to all sides and politicians, be they left-wing or right-wing, especially at such moments.

If Varna is in Bulgaria and Bulgaria is in Europe, then every Bulgarian, why not European, should now stop and take a look in the mirror and think about what they can do for each compatriot who needs their help.

The easiest and fastest way to do this, naturally, is to send a short text message "DMS VARNA" to the short code 17 777. However, now is the time for the business sector, the business sector primarily, but also possibly the state, to show that when we face need, we must be united.

Tragedy often unites people, however sad this conclusion may be.

We must stand united in order to help our compatriots and to show the world that however big the tragedy may be for Bulgaria, it cannot be bigger than the biggest evil in such moments, namely inaction.

*The team of Novinite Media Group expresses its deepest condolences to the relatives of the flood victims in Northeastern Bulgaria and to the ones affected by the disaster and calls on all Bulgarians to help their compatriots urgently.

Tags: varna floods, flooding, high waters, emergency situation


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