Bulgarian Trace Group Hold Wins EUR 10.6 M Project in Prague
Business | May 22, 2014, Thursday // 11:06| views
Bulgarian construction company Trace Group Hold will build an extension of the waste water treatment plant at the Prague International Airport.
The contracting authority is the joint stock company Prague Airport and the project is to be completed in 24 months.
The project is worth EUR 10.6 M, according to a media statement of the company.
This is the first success of Trace Group Hold in the Czech Republic, where the company participates in 5 other tender procedures and plans to open an office, according to Capital Daily.
The company applied for the project at the Prague International Airport as part of a tie-in, Prague Airport 2013, in which it is a leading partner (70:30), alongside Czech company Mebikan.
Trace Group Hold explained that it would hire local workers for the construction works but the managerial and engineering teams would include Bulgarian specialists.
Over the past six months, Trace Group Hold won on its own three big road projects in Serbia worth a total of EUR 60 M. The activities under the three projects are yet to start.
The company hopes to set foot on the markets in Qatar and Algeria.