Bulgaria's Sofia-Kalotina Highway Section Procurement Announced

Business | May 21, 2014, Wednesday // 16:09|  views

Photo by infrastructute.bg.

Bulgaria's Road Infrastructure Agency announced a procurement for the construction of a 31.5 km section of the Sofia-Kalotina highway.

The procedure will be divided into two lots, one from Kalotina to Dragoman and the other from Dragoman to Hrabarsko and is worth an estimated BGN 200M, VAT excluded.

The criterion for selection of a contractor is for the most economically advantageous tender. The period for the execution of the contract is 36 months for the first section and 24 months for the second one, Dnevnik reports. The deadline for submission of tenders expires on 14 July.

The project for the modernization of the existing route of the road I -8 Kalotina - SOP was proposed for funding by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union in the 2014-2020 programming period.

Tags: Sofia-Kalotina highway, Road Infrastructure Agency, procurement, Dragoman


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