Army Unit Joins Rescue Operation for 3 Young Men Lost in Stara Planina

Society | May 20, 2014, Tuesday // 13:22|  views

Dzhendema Rserve. Photo:

An army unit joined the search and rescue operation for the three young men who got lost in Stara Planina over the weekend.

The 17 soldiers are from the region and are familiar with the area around Botev peak, known as Dzhendema (“hell”, "remote place") where the three men got lost on Saturday night. The area is a natural reserve and, according to experienced mountaineers, has very rough terrain with deep ravines and river terraces. 

The head of the search and rescue operation Hristo Nenkov of the Mountain Rescue Service told the media that the men were utterly unprepared and have no food, water or warm clothes, which they apparently left behind in their car. According to Nenkov, the weather in Dzhendema is still wintry and there is still snow.

The last contact with the lost men was on Sunday morning, via mobile phone. Since then more than 100 volunteers, paragladers and mountain rescuers from all over the country are looking for them to no avail. On Monday in what became Bulgaria's most expensive operation of this kind, was included a Border Police Cougar helicopter with heat sensors. 

According to the most recent reports of the BNT public broadcaster, the helicopter's sensors intercepted three moving points, which could be the three men, but could also be rescuers or other tourists.

Tags: Dzhendema, rescue, Stara Planina


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