Signature of Bulgraria's Ombudsman Turns Up in Party EU list

European Elections | April 15, 2014, Tuesday // 16:46|  views

Bulgaria's Natonal Ombudsman Konstantin Penchev. Photo by BGNES

Bulgaria's National Ombudsman Konstantin Penchev has announced he found his signature included in the EU elections registration of a party that splintered off Ataka.

Penchev said that, using the Central Electoral Commission's software allowing citizens to check their presence in party registry entries by using a uniform civil number (EGN), he discovered his signature was in the list that the National Democratic Party brought to the Commission when registering for May 25's elections, has reported.

The National Democratic Party is an offshoot of Volen Siderov's ultra-nationalist Ataka and was created by his ex-wife Kapka Georgieva and MEP Dimitar Stoyanov, who made it into the European Parliament in 2009 with the support of Ataka. Penchev was firm he had not even heard of the party.

Bulgaria's Ombudsman has already informed Chief Prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov, the Commission for Personal Data Protection and the Central Electoral Commission.

Earlier on Tuesday and late Monday, it was revealed that Bulgarian parties misused personal data that they used in their registration lists for the EU Elections.

An unspecified number of citizens seem to have found their names and EGNs on the lists of parties they neither had signed in favour of nor even backed.

Tags: Ombudsman, Penchev, personal data, EGN, EU elections, list, register, National Democratic Party


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