2 Police Injured in Nationalist Riot in UK
World | February 2, 2014, Sunday // 09:14| views
Photo by the Daily Mail.
Two police officers have been injured after an English Defense League rally became violent.
The march was held in the town of Slough, Berkshire, against the alleged Islamization of the town and country.
Some 500 EDL protesters were met by representatives of the Anti Fascist Network, reports the Slough Observer.
Initially the situation was tense, but no significant violence erupted.
Later, officers were forced to don riot gear and let dogs loose in an effort to quell the violence, which resulted in four people being held for public order offences, reports the Daily Mail.
The EDL's march through Slough was in protest against plans for an all-girls Muslim faith school in the city and a Muslim community centre in Langley.