Nelson Mandela Memorial Service List of Attendees

World | December 10, 2013, Tuesday // 13:56|  views

British PM David Cameron (2-R), Australian PM Tony Abbott (C) and French President Francoise Hollande (2-L) are among leaders gathered at the official memorial ceremony for late South African president Nelson Mandela. Photo EPA/BGNES

The national memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela is currently held in Johannesburg.

Legendary fighter against apartheid died on December 5 aged 95 years after a long illness, and his remains will be buried on December 15.

Below is the list of members of the public and heads of state who are expected to attend the ceremony:

Heads of state and government:

1. British Prime Minister David Cameron, Ed Miliband Labour leader and Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, will also attend. The Royal Family have confirmed that Prince Charleswill attend the state funeral of Mandela on Sunday, while David Cameron will represent Britain at the public memorial Tuesday. The Queen has offered her condolences as she has decided not to attend.

2. US President Barack Obama, accompanied by first lady Michelle and 26 members of Congress, is delivering a speech at the event. He has previously described Mandela as a "personal hero" and an inspiration to his career.

3. French president, Fran?ois Hollande, and former head of state, Nicholas Sarkozy.

4. Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general.

5. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, who will be joined by Joachim Gauck, German president.

6. Tony Abbott, the Australian PM, who was criticised for not lowering the official flags after hearing of the death of Mandela on Friday, but has assured they will fly at half mast for the memorial.

7. Jos? Manuel Barroso, EU Commission President.

8. King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands, accompanied by Franc Timmermans, the foreign minister.

9. Crown Prince Felipe and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of Spain have rescheduled commitments to fly together to the memorial.

10. Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's President, will attend with three former heads of state.

11. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority leader.

12. Pranab Mukherjee, the Indian President.

13. Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe.


1. Peter Gabriel and entrepreneur Richard Branson, who took an idea to Mandela which led to the formation in 2007 of The Elders, an organisation working towards peace and global rights.

2. Bill Gates, the philanthropist co-founder of Microsoft, is expected to attend, following multiple visits to South Africa.

3. U2 frontman Bono, who worked with Mandela on the Make Poverty History campaign. He recorded 'Ordinary Love' for 'Long Walk to Freedom', Mandela's biographical film, which was premiered in London on the evening of his death last week.

4. Oprah Winfrey, the talk show host, who visited Mandela at his home. After discussions with him about poverty and education, he inspired her to create a leadership academy for girls in Johannesburg.

5. At least two of the Spice Girls, who met Mandela in a visit with the Prince of Wales to Johannesburg in 1997.

6. Annie Lennox, who appeared at the 1988 Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Concert and the 46664 concerts in 2002, inspiring her to take part in charitable and activist work with Sing Foundation.

7. Supermodel Naomi Campbell who became one of the former South African President's "honorary granddaughters" after they met in 1993, and they worked on a number of charity projects together.

Former heads of state and government:

1. Gordon Brown - the former British PM, who said Mandela was "the greatest leader of our generation ... a leader of unshakable optimism".

2.Former PM Tony Blair, who praised Mandela for his ability to make "everyone feel at home and at ease", noting his address at the Labour Party Conference in 2000. However, Mandela strongly opposed the Iraq war, causing tensions between the two in 2003.

3. Sir John Major, who was PM during Mandela's state visit to Britain in 1996, which featured a meeting with the Queen and 10,000 people turning up to see him visit Brixton.

4. Former US President Bill Clinton, accompanied by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton will attend both the public memorial, and the state funeral on Sunday, following annual visits to South Africa.

5. Former US President, Jimmy Carter, another member of The Elders.

6. Former US President George W Bush who also disagreed with Mandela over the Iraq War, but both were passionate about combating Aids in Africa.

Not attending:

1. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli PM, and wife Sara have announced they will not attend. Despite originally confirming their attendance, spokespeople for the PM claimed the visit will cost USD 2 M and the short time frame did not allow for the proper security arrangements.

2. Russia, Syria and Libya have yet to confirm if they will send anyone to either event.

3. The Dalai Lama is to miss the memorial, with spokesmen noting that it is "logistically impossible at this time". He visited Mandela in 1996, but since then has had two visa applications to South Africa declined.

4. Pope Francis has not confirmed whether he will be attending.

5. Fidel Castro, a long-time friend of Mandela, will not attend. Brother, President Raul Castro will however travel for the state funeral.

6. Bulgarian PM, Plamen Oresharski, and President, Rosen Plevneliev, are not attending. Bulgaria is represented by Deputy Foreign Minister, Angel Velichkov.

The memorial service is one of the biggest gatherings of international dignitaries in recent years.

Tags: South Africa, president, Nelson Mandela, Johannesburg, memorial, Barack Obama, Ban Ki-moon, David Cameron, Chancellor Angela Merkel, francois hollande, Dilma Rousseff, Brazilian, Cuban, Raul Castro, FNB stadium, Angel Velichkov


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