Km-long Line Reported at Bulgarian Voting Poll in London
Elections 2013 | May 12, 2013, Sunday // 19:15| views
There is a huge line at the Bulgarian Embassy in London of Bulgarian expats, wishing to cast a ballot in their homeland early general elections. Photo by Facebook
A line, over one kilometer long, has formed Sunday in London at the voting section for Bulgaria's early general elections, according to outraged Bulgarian expats.
A number of them have posted pictures on Facebook to illustrate the chaos and the frustration.
Actually, there are two lines – one for people who have registered to vote in advance and one for those who must fill a declaration on the spot. The waiting time for the first group is reported as 1 hour, and for the second – over 2.5 hours.
Many expat voters are further confused as, over lack of directions, they have ended in the wrong line.
They write on social networks that the tensions are mounting, and many have given up on the right to cast a ballot and have left.
The unprecedented line was provoked by the fact that the number of voting polls for Bulgarians in England was reduced to just 2 – one at the Bulgarian Embassy in London, and one in Tottenham.
There is also a line of 150 Bulgarians wishing to cast a ballot at the Embassy in Vienna. They are waiting in a pouring rain. 980 Bulgarians in Austria have already voted.