Strong Police Presence Planned for Bulgaria's Election Day
Elections 2013 | May 11, 2013, Saturday // 14:14| views
On Election Day in Bulgaria, police patrols will be making rounds not only of voting polls, but of political parties' headquarters to prevent vandalism and violations of public order. File photo
A large number of employees of the Interior Ministry – close to fifteen thousand are assigned to secure Sunday, May 12, a normal election process, the Ministry's press center informs.
14 450 policemen will secure the peace around the 11 676 voting sections during the early Parliament Elections Day in Bulgaria.
The entire personnel of the Interior Ministry will be involved.
The Ministry also asks for citizens' help in preventing fraud and all cases of vote buying. If people witness such cases they may call 02/9822232, fax 02/ 9825646, or email
Armed people or people carrying any dangerous objects will not be allowed inside voting polls. The use of cell phones and cameras is banned.
Patrol cars will be making rounds not only of voting polls, but of political parties' headquarters to prevent vandalism and violations of public order. All facilities for the manufacturing, storage and sale of weapons, ammunition, explosives and fireworks have been checked.
Policemen are required to assist local Electoral Commissions upon request from their chairs and to document the incidents.
Election Day will start with the opening of voting polls at 7 am and will end with their closing at 8 pm.
There could be exceptions at some locations, where polls might open at 6 am, but only with the Central Electoral Commission's (CEC) written authorization. If there is a line at a voting poll at 8 pm, it will remain open, but no later than 9 pm. At 8 pm, the members of the poll's commission will collect the IDs of those in line and only the people who were present at closing time will be allowed to cast a ballot.
6 868 455 individuals are included in voting lists. 160 972 have been removed – of them 739 prisoners, 7243 – under injunction, 378 have applied to vote at another location, 78 542 – to cast a ballot abroad, and 67 420 – to vote at a poll under the jurisdiction of their current address registration.
There will 11 676 voting polls in the country, but this number does not include the portable ones.
There will be 227 voting polls abroad in 57 countries.
8 148 individuals are running for 240 seats in Bulgaria's next Parliament.