Fresh Poll Gives 2% Edge to Bulgaria's GERB over Socialists

Elections 2013 | May 9, 2013, Thursday // 15:57|  views

Bulgarians will go to the polls on May 12 to vote in snap general elections. File photo

If elections were to be held now, 21.3% of voters would cast a ballot for the formerly-ruling centrist Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party, GERB.

GERB's top rival, said to be running neck-and-neck in the race – the Bulgarian Socialist Party, BSP, would get 18.9%

According to the results, the other formations set to overcome the 4% threshold to enter the Parliament are the ethnic Turkish Party Movement for Rights and Freedoms, DPS – 7%, the right-wing Bulgaria for Citizens of former EU Commissioner Meglena Kuneva – 4.9%, and the far-right, nationalist party Ataka – also 4.9%.

The poll has been conducted by the Center for Analyses and Marketing between April 30 and May 4 among 1 012 Bulgarians of voting age.

The nationalist National Front for Saving Bulgaria gets 1.8%; the Liberal Alliance – 1.5%, the coalition around the right-wing Union of Democratic Forces, UDF – 1.4%. the nationalist VMRO -1.3%; the Coalition around the right-wing Democrats for Strong Bulgaria, DSB – 1.2%; the Center – Freedom and Dignity, which is a coalition between the party of former Tsar and Prime Minister, Simeon Saxe-Coburg and of ethnic Turkish politicians (Kasim Dal) who left DPS, – 1%; LIDER, associated with energy mogul, Hristo Kovachki – 0.9%, the  conservative Order, Law and Justice party, RZS – 0.8%, and People's Voice of rock musician Svetoslav Vitkov – 0.7%.

When asked who they would like to see as the next Bulgarian PM, 22% of the respondents have selected Boyko Borisov – GERB leader and former PM, 18.6% - the Socialist nomination for PM, former Finance Minister, Plamen Oresharski; 5.7% - Meglena Kuneva; 5.5% - the leader of DPS, Lyutvi Mestan, and 5.3% - Ataka leader, Volen Siderov.

Nearly 28% of voters are interested in the scandal with unauthorized wiretapping and follow closely its developments; 22% are not at all interested; 48% know about it, but are not much interested in it.

Nearly 3% have said the scandal made them change their voting decision; 5% - began hesitating, while 6% began thinking of not going to the polls; 81% have reported that the scandal had zero influence on their voting decision.

49% are definitely going to vote; 19% will vote, but have not made a firm choice yet.

According to the forecast of the Center for Marketing and Analyses, in the next Parliament GERB will have 83 – 95 MPs; BSP – 76 – 86, DPS – 33 – 39; Ataka – 17 -21; and Bulgaria for Citizens – 13 – 17.

Tags: UDF, Elections 2013 Surveys, Ataka, DSB, Democrats for Strong Bulgaria, Ivan Kostov, RZS, Law and Justice party, order, Yane Yanev, Bulgaria for Citizens, former EU Commissioner, Meglena Kuneva, DPS, Movement for Rights and Freedoms, Lyutvi Mestan, Sergey Stanishev, BSP, Boyko Borisov, wiretapping, mentions, Bulgarian Watergate, reports, media, GERB, Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, Plamen Oresharski, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Volen Siderov


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