Renewable Energy Power Plants in Bulgaria to Function at Reduced Capacity for 7 Hrs on Thursday

Energy | April 25, 2013, Thursday // 16:02|  views

Photo by BGNES

The three power distributors functioning in Bulgaria, CEZ, Energo-Pro and EVN, will introduce temporary restrictions on the production of electricity by renewable energy power plants.

Under instructions from the Electricity System Operator (ESO), the maximum generation capacity of all wind farms and photovoltaic panels serviced by the three power distributors will be restricted by 40% from 10 am to 5 pm on Thursday in order to maintain a balance between the production and consumption of electricity.

In end-March, Asen Vasilev, Bulgaria's caretaker Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism announced that 40% of all photovoltaic plants and wind turbines had breached legal requirements by failing to submit real-time information about the amounts of electricity produced to the National Dispatching Center (NDC) of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) for the past nine months.

He claimed that the non-compliant renewable energy plants had to be temporarily disconnected from the country's power grid.

Tags: photovoltaic panels, wind farms, renewable energy, renewable energy sources, asen vasilev, Electricity System Operator, power distributors


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