Resigned Bulgaria Vice-PM: GERB Built, Others Destroyed

Domestic | February 21, 2013, Thursday // 11:26|  views

Wednesday Tsvetanov met with GERB supporters assembled in front of Parliament at the announcement of the unexpected resignation of cabinet. Photo by BGNES

Bulgarian Vice-PM and Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov offered a laudation of the resigned cabinet of PM Boyko Borisov in Thursday's plenary vote on the resignation.

In his speech, Tsvetanov dismissed all parties that acted during Bulgaria's transition since 1989 for allegedly creating the situation of chronic power abuse, organized crime and oligarchy, against which Bulgarian citizens have risen in massive protests.

"The GERB project was created by successful hardworking people across by country, not in the streets or by organized criminals," stated Tsvetanov regarding Bulgaria's current ruling party, which he vice-chairs.

The Minister of Interior in particular dismissed the Bulgarian Socialist Party and Blue Coalition for failure to do anything significant for Bulgaria's economy during their previous terms in power, as well as for alleged extensive ties to the criminal world.

He lauded the work of the Borisov cabinet in carrying out a number of important infrastructure projects, in contrast to previous governments.

Tsvetanov stressed that the cabinet is stepping down to prevent further escalation of tensions with the street protests, which according to him were plagued by provocators who mar the otherwise valid requests of citizens.

According to him, the only feasible option for Bulgaria now is new elections and a new GERB victory and cabinet, something he said he is confident of.

Tags: Boyko Borisov, resignation, protests, Bulgarian Socialist Party, Infrastructure projects, Blue Coalition, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, organized crime, oligarchy


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