Polar Ice Melts 3 Times Faster Than in 1990 - Study

Environment | December 2, 2012, Sunday // 15:55|  views

Ice in Greenland and Antarctica is melting three times faster, according to data quoted by the Science magazine.

The study, involving 47 scientists processing data from 10 satellites, has shown that in the period 2005-10, 379 B tonnes of ice have melted.

In contrast, the early 1990s have seen more than three times less of melting, or 110 B tonnes.

Scientists have claimed that this is further evidence of global warming going on.

Melting in Greenland is increasing at a higher rate (5 times since 1990) than that in Anctarctica, shows the study.

The melting has resulted in a rise of the global ocean levels with 1.2 cm, which is worrying given the unexpectedly fast rate of the melt.

For the whole 20th century, the ocean level is estimated to have gained 3 cm from melting ice, and another 12 cm from a rise of the volume of water from higher temperatures.

Tags: polar ice, Greenland, polar, Antartctica, global warming


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