Trips of Bulgarians Abroad Down 18% in Oct 2012 M/M
Tourism | November 27, 2012, Tuesday // 13:08| views
The Nationals Statistics Institute has recorded a decrease in Bulgarian trips abroad in October 2012, in comparison to same month of 2011. File photo
In October 2012, the number of the trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 281.5 thousand or by 15.7% less than in September 2012 and by 4.9% under the registered in October 2011.
The data was released Tuesday the National Statistics Institute (NSI).
In comparison with the same month of the previous year, a decrease in the total number of the trips of Bulgarian residents was reported to: Serbia - by 29.3%, Turkey - by 28.0%, Macedonia - 26.4% and Romania - by 19.3%. At the same time, an increase was observed in trips to: Austria - by 108.6%, the United Kingdom - by 103.9%, Italy - by 97.3%, and Spain - by 56.9%.
Trips with other purposes (as guest, education and visits of cultural and sport events) composed the greatest share of the total number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad - 47.2%, followed by the trips with holiday and recreation purposes - 29.3% and with professional purpose - 23.5%. In comparison with October 2011, an increase was observed in the trips with holiday and recreation purpose, as well as these with other purposes, trips with professional purposes registered a decrease.
In October 2012, trips with other purposes formed 63.9% from all trips to the United Kingdom, 58.3% - to Germany, 53.7% - to Greece. Trips to Spain and Turkey were predominantly with holiday and recreation purpose - 52.6 and 42.1% respectively, while to Belgium and France they had professional purpose - 66.7 and 50.0% respectively of all trips of Bulgarian residents to these countries.
In October 2012, the number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 524.0 thousand which was by 51.6% less compared to September 2012 and by 3.0% above the level from October 2011. An increase in visits with holiday and recreation purpose - by 7.3% and with professional purpose - by 3.8% was registered, while visits with other purposes decreased by 1.0%.
The visits of the citizens of European Union composed the greatest relative share of the total number of foreigners who visited Bulgaria - 56.5%, followed by these from the other European countries - 34.7%.
In comparison with the same month of the previous year, arrivals of visitors from EU Member States increased by 0.4%. A significant increase was observed in the visits of the citizens from France - by 9.0%, Greece - by 8.1%, Austria - by 6.4% and the United Kingdom - by 6.0%. However, visits from Romania - by 5.9% and Italy - by 3.3% registered a drop.
The visits of foreigners in the group "Other European Countries" increased by 8.5% as the highest growth was observed in visits of citizens of the Russian Federation and Turkey - by 41.8% and 19.5% respectively.
In October 2012, visits to Bulgaria with other purposes (including as guest and passing transit) had the largest share - 42.4%, followed by arrivals with holiday and recreation purposes - 39.3% and with professional purpose - 18.3%.
The visits with holiday and recreation purposes formed 80.0% of the arrivals from Macedonia, 70.4% - from United Kingdom, 60.4% - from Serbia and 53.0% - from Russia. The visits with professional purpose were 64.0% of all arrivals from Spain and 59.8% - from Austria, while 76.0% of the arrivals from Turkey, 64.6% - from Ukraine and 49.5% - from Greece were with other purpose.