Growing Economic Pessimism Registered in Bulgaria
Business | November 5, 2012, Monday // 16:32| views
In October 2012, the total consumer confidence of Bulgaria's population has decreased by 4.3%, compared to July. File photo
In October 2012, the total consumer confidence in Bulgaria indicator decreased by 4.3%, compared to its level 3 months ago.
The data was released Monday by the National Statistics Institute, NSI.
The slump is attributed to the decreased confidence of both urban and rural inhabitants, respectively by 4.6% and 4.0%. As a whole, the October survey shows an increase of the pessimism in consumers' assessments and expectations in comparison with July.
The opinions about the development of the general economic situation in the country over the last 12 months and their expectations about the next 12 months are more unfavorable, compared to the previous survey as a result of which the balance indicators decrease by 2.5% and 4.3%.
Compared to July, the consumers' assessments and expectations about the financial situation of their households are more pessimistic.
The assessments about the change of consumer prices over the last 12 months are also more unfavorable in comparison with the opinions registered 3 months earlier, as a result of which the balance indicator increases by 10.4%.
The inflation expectations for the next 12 months maintain the same level - an increase of the balance indicator by 3.3%.
Regarding unemployment in the country over the next 12 months, the pessimism has also increased, as the opinions of both the urban and rural population shifted towards more negative expectations.
The present economic situation in the country is assessed by most of the consumers as unfavorable for savings, and the expectations about the opportunity to save over the next 12 months have worsened.
The last inquiry registers deterioration (by 3.6%) of the total assessment regarding making major purchases of durable goods in the present situation. The changes in the values of the balance indicators about expected expenditures for "buying a car", "buying or building a home" and "making expenditures on home improvements" over the next 12 months are also negative.