UK Embassy in Bulgaria Celebrates Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee
Society | June 13, 2012, Wednesday // 22:20| views
UK Ambassador Jonathan Allen with his wife and daughter at the celebration of Queen Elizabeth II's birthday and Diamond Jubilee. Photo by British Embassy
The UK Embassy in Bulgaria celebrated Queen Elizabeth II's birthday and Diamond Jubilee on June 12, Tuesday "with style and innovation".
The theme of the reception was "Technology, Innovations, and Knowledge."
Thus, a number of examples of British and Bulgarian design and technological innovations were presented at the residence of UK Ambassador Jonathan Allen. Those included the emblematic for British design Mini model; two car models created by Bulgarian students for Shell's eco marathon contest; the Robko robot of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences created to aid elderly people; the foldable Brompton bikes.
Young Bulgarian scientists who won the British Council's FameLab contest were invited to make a scientific demonstration. The Bulgarian finalist for 2012 will take part in FameLab's grand final in the UK on June 15, 2012.
"Even though Great Britain and Bulgaria are located in different corners of Europe, we have joint positions regarding the way ahead of us," UK Ambassador Allen stated at the reception.
"We believe in open trade markets, and removing obstacles to growth. We believe in reducing administration at the national level and in Brussels. We believe in greater integration of the single market, and especially the single digital market. We believe in more free trade. And, most importantly, we believe in more investments of time and resources in technologies, innovation, and knowledge. British education has the reputation of teaching people to think. We want people to have heads that are not only filled with facts but that also know what to do with them," His Excellency added, while stressing that four out of the world's top 10 universities are in Britain, and Cambridge University is the best of all.
The Ambassador was accompanied by his wife Elizabeth, and his 9-month-old daughter Lucy, who was dressed in a traditional Bulgarian costume.
The official guests who attended the Bulgarian celebration of Queen Elizabeth's birthday and Diamond Jubilee featured Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov, Justice Minister Diana Kovacheva, Chief Prosecutor Boris Velchev, Bulgarian President's adviser Evgeni Angelov, Prime Minister's adviser Angel Cholakov, the head of the InvestBulgaria Agency Borislav Stefanov.
Bulgarian children who are to sing at the opening of the London Olympics performed at the event.
British company Melrose resources presented its charity work for the Karin Dom orphanage in Varna, and a book authored by Eli, one of the kids living there. All proceeds from the sales of the book during the reception went to Karin Dom.