President Plevneliev to Meet Bulgarian Diaspora in Chicago
Domestic | April 30, 2012, Monday // 11:25| views
Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev will meet Bulgarians living in Chicago on May 20. Photo by Sofia Photo Agency
Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev will meet Bulgarians living in Chicago and its surroundings on May 19.
The meeting has been scheduled for 12 at noon, CST, at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, according to news portal
The time and place of the meeting have been chosen so as to suit as many Bulgarians as possible.
The website reminds that the most recent meeting between a government representative and the Bulgarian diaspora in Chicago was with Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov.
Bulgaria's head of state is expected to arrive in Chicago on May 18 and is to visit the performance of the "Bulgare" folklore ensemble scheduled for 9 p.m.
On the following day, a Saturday, Plevneliev will meet with Bulgarians living in Chicago and will also visit a number of other Bulgarian sites in the city, such as the two Orthodox churches.
On May 20, President Plevneliev will attend a NATO summit taking place in Chicago.