Bulgarian Prosecutor Probes Yakoruda Deadly House Collapse
Crime | April 6, 2012, Friday // 14:22| views
A 23-year-old woman and a baby girl were killed in a building collapse on Friday in the village of Yakoruda. Photo by dariknews.bg
The prosecutor's office in Bulgaria's mountain town of Razlog has launched an investigation and pre-trial proceedings in the case of the fatal house collapse in the southwestern village of Yakoruda.
A 23-year-old woman identified as Tsvetanka Sofronova and a baby girl aged a year and three months, Anna-Maria Gaydarova, died, while a 22-year-old woman, Anife Brakadanska, was taken to hospital with a broken leg and graze wounds.
The investigation is on charges of reckless murder against an unknown perpetrator.
The accident in the Roma quarter of the village was reported a few minutes after 2 p.m. Thursday on the emergency hotline 112.
Two rescue teams were immediately dispatched to the location, but were unsuccessful in rescuing Sofronova and the baby girl, who died on the spot. Witnesses of the accident reacted immediately and managed to pull the people out of the debris before the arrival of the rescue teams.
The Regional Prosecutor informs that an autopsy has been performed and coroners are expected to announce the official cause of death shortly.
The Yakoruda Town Hall has been ordered to provide documentation of ownership and legality of construction in the quarter and a protocol of the collapse.
Witnesses are being questioned Friday. The prosecutor's office will decide on the basis of collected evidence if concrete individuals will be indicted.
They would face up to 5 years behind bars for causing two deaths, according to the Penal Code.