Thousands of Bulgarians Brave Snow to Honor Liberation Day

Society | March 3, 2012, Saturday // 19:15|  views

The snowy Shipka National Monument on Liberation Day 2011. Photo by

Thousands of Bulgarians braved snow and cold to pay homage to the Shipka National Memorial on March 3, Liberation Day.

The Shipka peak in the central Stara Planina mountain was site to some of the most fierce and pivotal battles in the Russo-Turkish war 1877-8, which lead to the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire.

The solemn ceremony began with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, and Vice President and former Justice Minister, Margarita Popova.

On Saturday, scores of Bulgarians traveled to Shipka by bus and with cars in the cold and in a strong snowstorm to commemorate the thousands of Russian, Romanian, Finnish soldiers and Bulgarian volunteers who fell for Bulgaria's freedom.

The mass was served by the Stara Zagora Bishop Galaktion.

Tags: Galaktion, bishop, mass, ceremony, Margarita Popova, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Liberation Day, Shipka


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