Bulgaria's Anti-Trust Watchdog Fines 3 Tour Operators for Bid-Rigging

Domestic | March 2, 2012, Friday // 17:58|  views

Bulgaria's anti-trust watchdog has fined three tour operators with a total of around BGN 3 M for bid rigging. Photo by BGNES

The Commission on Protection of Competition (KZK) has fined three tour operators with close to BGN 3 M for manipulating a public procurement for airline tickets for the state administration

Hornit OOD will have to pay BGN 48 500, Bulgarian VIP Travel BGN 47 000 AND Astral Holodays AD BGN 2.8 M for a participating in a bid rigging scheme.

According to KZK's decision published on Friday, the companies manipulated a public procurement procedure for the provision of airline tickets for business trips of state officials within Bulgaria and abroad launched in September 2010.

The probe was launched on a tip-off by Finance Minister Simeon Djankov in his capacity as head of the Central Authority for Public Procurement.

Following an inspection, KZK concluded that the three tour operators had negotiated among themselves the total amount of the bids and the concrete prices offered.

The watchdog stated that the companies had engaged in anti-competitive practices and had skewed the public procurement procedure, for which they had to be fined with a certain percentage of their turnovers.

Before the penalty was issued, the three companies had the opportunity to file their objections in writing and to present their arguments at an open session.

Tags: Commission on Protection of Competition, KZK, Simeon Djankov, bids, public procurement, tour operators


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