2011 Brought EUR 3.2 B in Revenues for Bulgarian Tourism
Tourism | January 5, 2012, Thursday // 19:54| views
Photo by forthenature.org
Tsvetan Tonchev, Chair of the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber, has described 2011 as a good year for Bulgarian tourism.
The sector saw good revenues in 2011 despite the financial crisis, Tonchev said in a Thursday interview.
He pointed out that the past year had fetched EUR 2.7 B in revenues from foreign tourists and BGN 1 B in revenues from Bulgarian tourists.
The Chair of the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber also told journalists that there was a very good outlook for the winter season.
"Bulgaria deserves at least EUR 5 B in revenues from international tourism. This has already happened in other countries, for instance Croatia has already attracted EUR 8-9 B, Montenegro over EUR 3 B and Finland over EUR 5 B. Not to mention Greece and Turkey," he explained.
Tonchev suggested that Bulgaria should develop rehabilitation- and sports-related tourism.
He concluded by saying that he expected hotel construction to continue into 2012.