PM Borisov Reiterates Bulgaria's Bid to Help Democracy in Arab World

Diplomacy | December 3, 2011, Saturday // 12:25|  views

Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov speaking Saturday at the Sofia Platform forum devoted to democratization processes in the Arab world. Photo by BGNES

Bulgaria is capable and ready of helping Arab countries that have stepped on the way to democracy, stated Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov at a conference in Sofia devoted to the Arab Spring.

Saturday PM Borisov delivered the opening speech of the "Justice in Transition" event of the Sofia Platform called by the Bulgarian Foreign Affairs Ministry and featuring pro-democracy opposition leaders from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.

"As an EU member and one of the best NATO partners Bulgaria can be of great help for Arab countries and we're completely ready to do that," said Borisov.

The Bulgarian PM commented that Bulgarians have deep sympathies with pro-democracy efforts of the citizens of the Arabic countries, as Bulgarian themselves led a similar struggle in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

"Back then, it was considerably easier for us than it is now for our Arab friends. For Bulgaria is located in Europe, and it had the support of all those countries that composed the EU back then," said Borisov.

The Bulgarian PM went on to argue that now Bulgaria in turn is ready to offer similar support to other countries on their way to democratic self-rule of their peoples.

Tags: Boyko Borisov, Arab, arab spring, democracy, EU, europe, Yemen, opposition, Syria, Bahrain, Libyan, Egypt, Tunisia, transition, democracy, justice


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