Utility Stops Heating in Sofia over Warmer Weather Forecast

Energy | April 17, 2011, Sunday // 11:36|  views

The Sofia utility informs they will begin the gradual suspension of heating in the Bulgarian capital on Monday, April 18. File photo

The heating utility in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, Toplofikatsia, begins the general suspension of heating services, the company announced Sunday.

According to the weather forecast of the Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BAS, the temperatures next week will provide the necessary conditions listed in the heating order and allow to stop heating in the capital.

The utility further informs, they will begin the gradual suspension of heating in the capital on Monday, April 18.

There is an option for customers, who wish to extend the heating services in their buildings, to do so, but there must be a joint decision of all tenants and owners. I has to be submitted, along with a request, with the respective district office of Toplofikatsia.

Tags: sofia, utility, suspension, heating, weather, forecast, BAS


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