Ex PM Stanishev: Borisov Govt Brought Economic Crisis in Bulgaria

Domestic | July 3, 2010, Saturday // 11:10|  views

BSP leader Sergey Stanishev believes that the Borisov government is to blame for the economic crisis in Bulgaria. Photo by BGNES

The economic crisis in Bulgaria started with the coming to office of the government of the GERB party, according to former Socialist PM Sergey Stanishev.

“The crisis started in September 2008 in America but we managed to stay away from it for 9 whole months with my government's policies. So in Bulgaria the crisis practically started with the arrival of the GERB party to power. Finance Minister Simeon Djankov has caused both an economic and social crisis,“ the leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party told Pro.bg TV on Saturday.

Stanishev thinks that the Borisov government is failing on all fronts, and the only thing it has managed to do are a number of special police operations.

“The special police operations should be supported in principle but when they become routine and had actually been performed for years, their showing off becomes funny,” he said.

Stanishev further slammed Prime Minister Boyko Borisov for meeting with Russian PM Vladimir Putin in the fall of 2009, and asking for a two-month period in order to acquaint himself with the three joint energy projects.

“A year has gone by, and nothing has happened. There are conflicting statements about these projects every day, and there is a complete chaos in the heads of the Cabinet ministers. One day we quit the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline and freeze the Belene nuclear power plant, the next day we are expecting an environmental assessment, and are going to decide in January about the pipeline, and it is the other way around with the NPP,” said the Socialist leader.

He had said that the talk of the Borisov Cabinet for promising to renegotiate the terms of Russian gas supplies with Gazprom is cheap manipulation.

“GERB are serving the oligarchs. Many of these oligarchs are in their party. The robbed state of which Borisov talks about keeps surviving on the fiscal reserve of BGN 8 B that we left to them,” Stanishev believes.

“The first anti-crisis measure has to be to remove Simeon Djankov as the Finance Minister. It is likely that the coming winter might become Boyko Borisov's winter and might lead to early elections. I am worried about this nation. They might increase the taxes and cut the salaries and pensions all at once despite their promises,”stated the former PM.

Tags: Sergey Stanishev, former PM, BSP, Bulgarian Socialist Party, Boyko Borisov, GERB, Gazprom, Russia, energy projects


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