Search by tag "rent" - 22 results found.
Rising Housing Prices in Bulgaria: Demand Outpaces Supply
Greece Ranks Last in Europe for Wage-to-Rent Affordability
European Retail Rents: Sofia's Vitosha Boulevard Takes 51st Spot
Society | Nov 23, 2023, Thu -
Bulgaria: There is No Bubble in the Real Estate Market. For Now
You Can Rent a Room for $ 1 at a Japanese Hotel
Electric Scooters Can Now be Rented From 200 Points in Sofia
If You are Living in Sofia, You Will Now be Able to Take an Electric Bike For Rent
Now You Can Rent an Electric Car in Sofia
Bulgaria's Vitoshka St Ranks 52nd in Most Expensive High Streets Ranking
Vitosha Blvd in Bulgaria’s Sofia Ranks World's 54th Most Expensive Retail Location
Sofia City Hall To Rent Out City Bicycles From 2015
Society | Nov 4, 2014, Tue -
Office Rents in Bulgaria Among the Cheapest in Europe
Refugee Shelter In Bulgarian Town Of Harmanli Becomes Overcrowded
Society | Oct 29, 2013, Tue -
College Students Drive Up Rents in Bulgaria's Sofia
Colliers: Sofia High Street with Drastic Slump in Rent Rates
Business | Aug 2, 2012, Thu -
Total Retail Space in Bulgaria Expected to Rise by 42%
Subway Districts Most Popular in Bulgaria's Sofia
Bulgaria Records Third Biggest Drop in Commercial Rent Prices
HAVI Logistics Subsidiary Bullog Rents Offices at Tishman's Sofia Airport Center
Bulgarian Landlords Declare BGN 11 M in Rental Income