Search by tag "nationalist party Ataka" - 23 results found.
Bulgaria's Parliament to Cancel Public-Private Partnership Act
Business | Jun 5, 2014, Thu -
Bulgaria's Social Housing Fund to Be Open to Employed Persons Only
Bulgarian Nationalist Party Seeks Abolition of Daylight Saving Time
Society | Apr 9, 2014, Wed -
Bulgaria's President Blames Govt for Lack of Predictability
Politics | Dec 2, 2013, Mon -
Tensions Escalate at Occupied Sofia University
Bulgarian Nationalist Party Denies Allegations of Mulling No-Confidence Vote
MPs Rejects Proposal to Dismiss Speaker of Bulgaria's Parliament
Bulgarian MPs Vow to Reduce Party Subsidies in 2014
Bulgaria's Chief Prosecutor: Nationalist Leader Siderov May be Arrested for Hooliganism
Bulgaria's Parliament Restructures Ethics, Conflict of Interest Committees
Rainy Weather Reduces Number of Anti-Govt Protesters in Sofia on Day 26
Thousands Join Fresh Anti-Govt Protest in Sofia
24th Anti-Govt Rally in Sofia attended by over 30 000
5 Members of Bulgaria's GERB to Set Up New Party
S&D Leader Swoboda Urges Bulgaria's GERB to Return to Parliament
Despite Anti-Govt Protests, Snap Elections Would Repeat May 12 Vote – Bulgarian Pollster
Bulgarian Nationalist Leader Seeks Official Stance of Chief Prosecutor on his MP Immunity
Bulgaria Socialists: New Snap Polls if Nationalists Boycott Parliament
Ex Bulgaria PM to Inform EPP Leaders about 'Plot on His Life'
Interim Bulgarian National Security Head Hints of Taking Over Permanently