Search by tag "electric power" - 39 results found.
Americans will Build a New Electric Plant in Kosovo
Electric Power Utilities in Bulgaria Alert of Need of Price Hike
Bulgaria's GERB Blasts Govt Electricity Price Bill
Power Utilities Warn of Looming Price Hike in Bulgaria
Bulgarian President: Cohesion Is Key to EU Integration
Bulgarian Watchdog to Tackle Energy Prices by Upping Export
Anonymous Hack Bulgarian Energy Watchdog Site
Society | May 25, 2013, Sat -
Bulgaria's EconMin: Legislation Can Stabilize Energy Sector
Bulgarian Anonymous Hack Energy Watchdog Site
Society | Apr 25, 2013, Thu -
Bulgarian MEP Vows to Alert Prosecution of GERB's Abuses
Bulgarian Taxpayers Shell 1 B for Illegal Electricity Export
Bulgaria's Watchdog Passes Electricity Price Ball to EconMin
Ex Bulgarian Energy Minister Assuages Power Outage Fears
Bulgaria Cuts Nuclear Energy Production
Bulgaria Launches 5 Criminal Proceedings in Energy Sector
Dobrev Regrets Late Find of 'American' TPPs Breaches
Bulgarian President Pledges Fiscal Stability before EU
Bulgaria to Probe 'American' TPPs
Crime | Mar 12, 2013, Tue -
Bulgarian Energy Watchdog Deems 8% Price Cut Impossible
Bulgaria to Introduce Seasonal Electric Power Tariffs