Search by tag "Yambol" - 169 results found.
Flu Epidemic Declared in Three New Bulgarian Regions
Flu Vaccine Shortage Hits Bulgaria
Yambol Blaze Injures Mother and Son; Cause Under Investigation
Bulgaria: Fire Contained in Yambol Region; Bolyarovo Seeks Permanent Housing Solutions
Ten Migrants Injured in Jeep Accident Near Yambol
Mayor of Bulgarian Town Launches Referendum Amid Plans for NATO Troop Expansion
Bulgaria: Child was Stabbed after a Fight between Minors in Yambol
Bulgaria: An 18-year-old Drugged Driver Hit and Killed a Man on a Sidewalk in Yambol
Here is Where you can get Vaccinated in Bulgaria during the Weekend
A Bus with Children Crashed near Yambol
The Price of Water in Vratsa, Burgas and Yambol is Rising
Yazaki Bulgaria To Invest BGN 45.5 M in Cable Plant Near Dimitrovgrad
Business | Jan 25, 2017, Wed -
Bulgaria's Yambol Braces for anti-Migrant Protest
Protest Held in Bulgarian Village over Migrant Center Plans
Society | Oct 29, 2016, Sat -
Protest in Bulgaria's Yambol over Construction of Migrant Center
Anti-Refugee Protests To Be Held in Sofia, Varna, Yambol
Three People Detained for People Trafficking in International Operation
Crime | Oct 8, 2016, Sat -
Bulgarian Vigilante Migrant Hunter Charged with Instigation of Violence, Hatred
Crime | Jul 7, 2016, Thu -
Bulgaria Has Spent Over BGN 100 M on Fence Along Border with Turkey
Bulgarian Police Detain 17 Irregular Migrants near Yambol
Crime | May 7, 2016, Sat