Search by tag "Valentin Nikiforov" - 17 results found.
Offshore Co Acquires Bulgaria's Largest Non-Ferrous Plant
Business | Sep 14, 2012, Fri -
Bulgaria's Largest Non-Ferrous Plant Sold in Minutes
2 Bidders Pop in Bulgaria's Largest Non-Ferrous Plant Sale
No Bidders in Bulgaria's Largest Non-Ferrous Plant Sale
Piecemeal Sale of Bulgaria's Largest Non-Ferrous Plant Kicks Off
Closure Looms for Bulgaria's Troubled Lead-Zinc Complex
Bulgarian Lead-Zinc Complex Closure Threatens Eco Disaster
FIB Finds Investor for Bulgaria's Troubled Lead-Zinc Complex
FIB Defers Loans of Stranded Bulgarian Lead-Zinc Workers
Business | Jun 24, 2012, Sun -
Polish Co Silesia Most Likely Savior of Bulgaria's Lead and Zinc Complex
Bulgaria's Troubled Lead-Zinc Plant Workers Stage Road Block
Business | Jun 21, 2012, Thu -
Bulgarian Syndicate Resettles Workers of Troubled Lead, Zinc Plant
Polish Silesia Rents Bulgaria's Troubled Lead-Zinc Complex
Bulgarian Oligarch Hires Troubled Metallurgy Workers at PM's Request
Creditors, Syndicates to Save Bulgaria's Lead and Zinc Complex from Bankruptcy
Polish Consortium Seeks to Rent Bulgaria's Lead and Zinc Complex
Midnight Deal Saves Bulgaria from Mass Railway Strike
Business | Mar 11, 2011, Fri