Search by tag "Socialist Party" - 63 results found.
Bulgarian PM Calls the Council of the Ruling Coalition
French Socialists Sell their Headquarters in Paris
Politics | Sep 20, 2017, Wed -
Bulgarian Socialist Leader: Populism Overtaking EU Values
Bulgaria's PM to Meet Journalists at Open Govt Conference
Serbia to Hold Early Parliament Elections in March
World | Jan 29, 2014, Wed -
Hit on Facebook 2013: David Cerny for 'Activists' Arrest in Sofia 'Unbelievable!'
Society | Dec 24, 2013, Tue -
Bulgarian Socialists Breaking Belene NPP Promise, Says Ex-IM
EP Elections Will Determine Govt’s Future, Says Bulgarian Ruling MP
Bulgarian Nationalists Want 'Idle' Police Chief Axed
Ex Bulgarian Dissident: Sculptor Renounced 'Painted' Memorial
Bulgarian 'Graffiti' Activists Released from Arrest
Bulgarian Socialists Condemn Painting of Monument
Society | Nov 7, 2013, Thu -
David Cerny for 'Activists' Arrest in Sofia 'Unbelievable!'
Society | Nov 7, 2013, Thu -
Bulgarian High-Profile Anti-Govt Activist Detained in Sofia
Society | Nov 7, 2013, Thu -
Bulgarian Students to MPs: 'Aren't You Ashamed?'
Bulgarian Trade Unions Demand Discussion on Layoffs
Bulgarian Govt Proposes Further Amendments to Smoking Ban
Bulgarian MPs Propose Keeping New Drivers Off Highways
Why Bulgaria's Protests Stand out in Europe
Views on BG | Jul 31, 2013, Wed -
Bulgaria Looks to End Impasse With Socialist-Led Cabinet
Views on BG | May 28, 2013, Tue