Search by tag "Shipka" - 34 results found.
Shipka Epic Anniversary: Bulgaria Marks 147 Years with Ceremonies and Traffic Changes
Bulgarian Prosecutor Moves to Dissolve Controversial Nationalist Groups
Politics | May 22, 2024, Wed -
Valley of the Thracian Kings Archaeological Complex Opens in Shipka
Snowfall Sweeps Shipka Pass: Tourists Advised Caution Amidst Weather Warnings
Shipka Peak: Thousands Gather to Honor March 3 Heroes
Shipka Monument: New Opening Hours And Free Entry on March 3rd
Bulgaria’s President announced a People’s Movement to keep the Memory of March 3rd
Politics | Aug 19, 2023, Sat -
Bulgaria Commemorates 145 Years since the Epic Battles at Shipka Pass
Bulgarian PM: A Handful of Provocateurs are Trying to Divide Us
Politics | Mar 3, 2022, Thu -
(VIDEO) Bulgarian PM was Booed and Hit with Snowballs at Shipka during Celebrations of Liberation Day
Politics | Mar 3, 2022, Thu -
100 Heavy Trucks got Stuck on Hemus Highway, an Accident makes it Difficult to pass through Shipka
Society | Nov 30, 2021, Tue -
Bulgarians Commemorate 144th Anniversary of the Shipka Epic
Liberation of Bulgaria Celebrations on Shipka Peak Cancelled over Coronavirus Risk
Society | Mar 2, 2020, Mon -
Thousands Commemorate the Epic Shipka Battle
Business | Aug 27, 2016, Sat -
Bulgaria's Culture Ministry Inspects Collapse in Thracian Tomb
Bulgaria Gets Nod for EUR 2 B in EU Funding for Transport Projects
Bulgarian Nationalist Brags about Ousting GERB for Good
Nationalist Chief: Bulgaria, Russia Are Like Father and Son
President: Bulgarians Must Be True to National Ideals
Society | Aug 24, 2013, Sat -
Bulgaria Marks 136th Anniversary of Heroic Shipka Pass Battle
Society | Aug 24, 2013, Sat