Search by tag "Nona Karadzhova" - 172 results found.
EC: Freeze of EU Environment Funds for Bulgaria Is GERB Fault
Bulgarian Supreme Court Rules Controversial Ski Lift Illegal
Dobrev Regrets Late Find of 'American' TPPs Breaches
Bulgaria Bans Construction on Sand Dunes
Smaller-scale Rallies Held in Bulgaria's Sofia, Varna
Society | Feb 26, 2013, Tue -
Bulgarian Govt Slaps Maximum Fine on Developer Targeting Protected Area
Bulgarian Environment Minister: Protests against Overdevelopment Come Too Late
Bulgarian Eco Activists Call for Declaring Black Sea Coast National Park
Bulgarian Environment Ministry Denies Higher Status to Protected Area
Bulgaria to Probe Lack of Violations in Dunes Gate
Tainted Bulgarian Eco Chief Denies 'Hanging Out' with 'Dunes Gate' Builders
Society | Jan 15, 2013, Tue -
Bulgarian Eco Chief Filmed in 'Dunes Gate' Builders' Car - Report
Society | Jan 15, 2013, Tue -
Bulgarian Minister Halts Construction on Irakli Beach after Mass Protest
People in 3 Cities to Rally for Preserving Bulgarian Beach
Society | Jan 14, 2013, Mon -
Bulgarian Official Concealed Protected Dunes Report
Bulgarian Forestry Agency Head Awaits Official Dismissal Note
Bulgaria Bans Construction on Sand Dunes
Bulgarian Forest Agency Head, Inspectorate Director Dismissed over Illegal Construction Scandal
Bulgarian Environment Minister Cleared of Conflict of Interest
Business | Dec 29, 2012, Sat -
Turkey Not to Build Power Plant on Bulgarian Border - EconMin