Search by tag "Bulgarian Ambassador" - 17 results found.
Bulgarian Ambassador to the UK Presented his Credentials to Queen Elizabeth II
Society | Oct 28, 2019, Mon -
Bulgarian Ambassador to London: 'Attack at Finsbury Park Mosque is Defined as Potential Terrorist Attack'
EU Foreign Policy Chief Mogherini To Meet with Bulgaria’s PM, President in Sofia
TIR Truck Driver Sentenced to Life Imprisonment in Iran Returned to Bulgaria
Crime | Aug 27, 2014, Wed -
Bulgaria Joins Leading Livestock Breeding Expo as Partner
Business | Apr 30, 2014, Wed -
Bulgarian Ambassador to Germany Critical of 'Migrant' Hysteria
'Don't Worry about an Invasion of Bulgarians - They're Already Here'
Views on BG | Feb 14, 2013, Thu -
Macedonia Claims Bulgarian Envoy 'Wasn't Assaulted' in Skopje
Bulgaria 'Won't Forget' Assault on Its Envoy in Skopje
Bulgaria Injured Ambassador in Yemen Comes to Sofia for Treatment
Bulgaria's New Ambassador to Egypt Presents Credentials
Bulgarian Foreign Min Criticizes Security of Diplomatic Missions in Yemen
EU Condemns Bid to Kidnap Bulgarian Envoy to Yemen
Bulgarian Middle East Embassies Placed on Security Alert
Top Bulgarian Diplomat Shocked by Yemen Attack on Envoy
Attacked Bulgarian Diplomat in Yemen Is Safe, Feels Well
Crime | May 13, 2012, Sun -
Bulgarian Ambassador to Yemen Injured in Kidnap Attempt
Crime | May 13, 2012, Sun